Metamodern Wannabes is the personal playground of John Stokdijk in the SPACE.

What is the SPACE?

The SPACE is my shorthand for the Metamodern, Game B, Liminal, Sensemaking, Integral, Regenerative, Intentional Communities, WeSpace, Wisdom Age, and Web 3.0 spaces. The SPACE is vast and growing, exciting to explore. And the SPACE is where the hope for a much better world may lie, perhaps beginning with a MOVEMENT.


There is no movement, not yet.


All of my Recommendations are parts of the SPACE and have a Metamodern Wannabes vibe per my intuition informed by my whole being, my heart, my mind, and my soul, whatever that is. None of my Recommendations are made with the hope of a reciprocal Recommendation, although they are welcomed. None of my Recommendations are made with a desire to build my Subscribers, although growth in the number of Subscribers is encouraging.


My Posts reflect my engagement with the content of my Recommendations.


My Notes are usually brief comments on articles I have read and restacked.

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Not Game A, Not Modern, Not Postmodern


I am a retired Canadian living in Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico.